Embedded Design Services - Embedded OS (Linux, OpenEmbedded/Yocto, Android, RTOSes: FreeRTOS, NuttX, etc.) - Hardware and network communication protocols: USART/UART, I2C, SPI, MIPI DSI/CSI, Ethernet, LVDS - Internet of Things (IoT) hardware and protocol design and implementation (COAP, MQTT, DTLS, etc) - Embedded security services (threat modeling, cryptography, etc) - Sysytem on Chip (SoC) hardware and protocol design and implemenation (ZynQ, MPSoC, etc) - Validation and verification Embedded System Consulting Expertise - Deep experience across multiple embedded platforms (ARM Cortex M series, ARM64/aarch64, Intel x86-64) - Custom device driver design and implementation (Linux or microcontroller or otherwise) - Motor Control Algorithms, low-latency DSP algorithms - Multi-threaded applications and data processing - Rapid prototyping Embedded Tools - Python - C - C++ - GCC - LLVM - Keil - IAR - Rust